Goal! Rendine delivers a significant pavilion upgrade for
Surf Coast Football Club
A sporting pavilion serving as home base for a popular Torquay soccer club has gained a new lease of life with a major makeover from Rendine Constructions.
Although only 10 years old, the Grant Pavilion - which overlooks several sporting pitches at Banyul Warri Fields - was identified by the Surf Coast Shire Council as providing an opportunity for expansion, to better cater to community needs and provide improved amenities for all users. The Surf Coast Football Club (soccer), a key resident of the pavilion and user of the reserve, secured full funding for the project through the 2018 State Election.
On behalf of the football club, Surf Coast Shire contracted Rendine Constructions and Kelly Architects to deliver an extensive program of modifications and refurbishments.
This included a new first-floor social room plus canteen/kitchen and administration space; elevated tiered seating overlooking the club’s pitch directly adjacent to the social room; further elevated tiered seating on the west side of the building overlooking other pitches; two new change rooms, two new referee rooms, two refurbished referee rooms, and four new toilets, all designed to meet relevant accessibility guidelines; new storage spaces; extra covered areas at ground level for spectators; and new footpaths around the building.
Rendine Construction Project Manager Pat Duncan says his team used surveying and Building Information Modelling (BIM) to ensure that additions to the existing floorplan would connect seamlessly to the original structure, all finished with immaculate carpentry detailing work.
Several alterations and additions requested by the client were able to be accommodated, including adding a new back wall to the west grandstand for extra weather protection, updates to disability compliance provisions, and extension of exterior footpaths. Rendine’s project team worked with Kelly Architects to create cost-effective solutions.
With a cantilevered slab creating the pavilion’s dramatic new roofline, the team worked with engineers to interconnect the required drainage outlets and box gutters. “There were challenges that we sorted out in Modelling, and getting that right sets up the whole canopy to tie in all the drainage while retaining the original architectural intent,” Pat says.
With construction beginning in October 2021, lockdowns and COVID restrictions placed the build under time pressure from the beginning, but careful management including timely ordering of scarce building supplies and overlapping trades helped ease the pressure.
Rendine also carefully worked around the soccer club’s playing and training schedule, minimising disruption for all users.